Regional Warning Center Brazil (EMBRACE)

Ionospheric Scintillation S4 Index Products


Scintillation S4 Index over Brazil


   Product Description:

       GNSS signal scintillation monitored by ground-based receivers (LISN network). The map displays location of the receivers, near realtime S4 index. The movie shows 2-D plot of ionospheric scintillation during the evening to night time period of the previous day, represented by the S4 index, that impact telecommunication systems and GNSS signal availability.


   Target Users:

       Key product users include industries relying on high-accuracy GNSS positioning: surface and air navigation systems, agriculture, surveying, construction, drilling, and scientific users.

Link to Map of Scintillation S4 Index over Brazil

Link to Video of Scintillation S4 Index over Brazil

Cadence: 10 minutes

Data Source : Ground-based GPS receivers