Global Plan to Protect the Society for Space Weather Effects

Author: Dr. Clezio Marcos De Nardin

After 3 years of work, the final version of the Global Plan to protect the Society of Space Weather Effects (complete title: Understanding space weather to shield society: The global road map for 2015-2025 commissioned by COSPAR and ILWS) [1], a job that involved 27 scientists from 15 countries (the order of the authors: the United States, Finland, the UK, Brazil, Germany, Belgium, Russia, China, Argentina, Canada, Japan, India , Sweden, Australia and France) coordinated by the Committee on Space Research [2] and by the International Living With a Star (ILWS) Program [3]. The article in English is available online at the Journal of Advances in Space Research website, published in Europe. Representing Brazil in this work, Dr. Clezio Marcos De Nardin (vice-director of the International Space Environment Service-ISES [4], which regulates and coordinates the nationals regional warning centers, and general manager of Embrace Program/INPE for monitoring and forecasting the space weather [5], the Brazilian Warning Center) stated that it was an extremely challenging task because we know that space weather problems affect each country differently, due to its geographical position on the globe. So, the experience of each scientist was focused on different aspects. However, the group was able to use this variety of views to compose a thorough job covering the most diverse phenomena linked to the effects of space weather on the economic sectors of each country. Additionally, the diversity of experience of the scientist allowed to point almost all the “holes” in the knowledge out. “Now the ball is with governments and granting agencies, who has the power to release additional resources to research what is needed to be done in this area and, in fact, protect society,” said Dr. Clezio Marcos De Nardin. And it seems that the first steps have been taken, the US Government announced the creation of its National Space Weather strategy [6].


[1] Plano Global 2015-2025 para Proteger a Sociedade dos Efeitos do Clima Espacial <>

[2] Committee on Space Research <>

[3] International Living With a Star (ILWS) Program <>

[4] International Space Environment Service <>

[5]Embrace/INPE <>

[6] USA National Space Weather Strategy <>

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