14th International Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar

May 25 - 31 , 2014 - INPE - São José dos Campos/SP - Brazil

INPE Main Entrance

INPE - São José dos Campos/SP - Brazil - May 25 - 31 , 2014.

The 14th Workshop on Technical and Scientific Aspects of MST Radar (MST14/iMST1)

The workshop takes at the place at the National Institute for Space Research the from 25 - 31 May, 2014

Auditorium Fernando de Mendonça
National Institute for Space Research
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758
Ph: +55 (12) 3208-7180
Fax: +55 (12) 3208-6990
E-mail: (Conference Secretary)

Submission of abstract: until 07 March 2014

Acceptance of abstract: until 31 March 2014


  • Registration (early bird) until 07 April 2014
  • Standard registration until 18 April 2014
  • On site registration 25 May 2014 (USD or BRL flat rate cash only)

Application for travel support: until 28 February 2014

Decision about travel support: until 31 March 2014

Scientists, engineers, technical experts, theoreticians, students, all united in one forum for MST radar studies - this is what has been special about the series of MST workshops. Previous workshops have been held in diverse locations like India, Peru, the USA, UK, France, Canada and Germany.

The focus of the upcoming iMST workshop in São José dos Campos (SP) will be meso/strato/tropospheric and ionospheric coherent scatter radars, but contributions from related areas, such as incoherent scatter probing, collaborative studies using radars and other instruments like lidars and in-situ studies, and relevant modeling efforts will all be welcome.

Contributed and invited talks will be organized in the following sessions:

  1. Meteorology and forecasting/nowcasting.
  2. MST scattering, micro-scale processes and turbulence.
  3. Ionospheric irregularities in E and F regions.
  4. Coherent and incoherent scatter radar techniques, ionospheric sounders and imagers.
  5. New instruments, signal processing, and quality control.
  6. Meteor studies and observations.
  7. Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Structure.

We especially encourage papers involving multi-instrument applications which include MST radars, wind profilers and ionospheric coherent scatter radars (e.g. radars/forecast models, radars/lidars, radars/in situ (rockets or satellites), radars/airglow imagers, radars/satellites, etc.) in all sessions.

The program will also integrate several invited tutorial lectures throughout the workshop, which we anticipate will be of interest to all participants, but will be of particular importance to students and those new to the field.

The workshop will also offer tutorial lectures/keynotes that will be of interest to all participants.

More details about the content of these sessions are given HERE

Invited Speaker Theme
Dr. Andreas Muschinski Radar scattering from lower and middle atmosphere.
Dr. Marco Antonio Milla Bravo Ionospheric coherent and incoherent scatter.
Dr. Craig Heinselman Spectral and moment estimation and fitting.
Dr. Jorge L. Chau Radar interferometric imaging
Dr. Juha Vierinen Hardware and software receivers, GNU radio apps.

Dr. Andreas Muschinski Dr. Andreas Muschinski

Dr. Andreas Muschinski earned his physics diploma (1990) from the Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology (now the Institute for Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics) at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany and his PhD (1992) and habilitation (1998) in Meteorology from the Physics Department at the University of Hanover, Germany. He has 22 years of post-doctoral research experience in areas related to turbulence and propagation (light, radio waves, sound, gravity waves) in the atmosphere. He worked at the University of Hannover, Germany (1990-98), the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder, CO, affiliated with the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory (1998-2004), and the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA (2004-2011). Since 2011, he has been a Senior Research Scientist at the CoRA office of NorthWest Research Associates (NWRA) in Boulder, CO and an Adjunct Professor at the ECEE Dept. of the University of Colorado Boulder.

Dr. Marco Antonio Milla Bravo Dr. Marco Antonio Milla Bravo

Marco A. Milla received the Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru, in 1997 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 2006 and 2010, respectively. In 2009, he joined the Jicamarca Radio Observatory where he continue his research on the development of incoherent scatter radar techniques for the estimation of ionospheric state parameters. In particular, he has studied Coulomb collisions and magnetoionic propagation effects on the incoherent scatter spectrum measured with antenna beams pointed perpendicular to the Earth’s magnetic field. In recognition of this work, Milla was recipient of the Sunanda and Santimay Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth Systems Science in December 2012.

Dr. Craig Heinselman Dr. Craig Heinselman

The EISCAT Council has appointed a new Director to take over from Dr Esa Turunen when he leaves at the end of the year. Dr Craig Heinselman will join EISCAT on 1st January 2013 as the new Director of the EISCAT Scientific Association. Dr Heinselman is today working at SRI International, Stanford, USA, as Principal investigator and project leader for the Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) Operation and Maintenance. He will have his office at the EISCAT Headquarters in Kiruna, Sweden, where he will also live.

Dr. Jorge L. Chau Dr. Jorge L. Chau

Jorge L. Chau is currently the Head of the Radar and Rocket Department at the Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Kühlungsborn, Germany. He has served as the Director of the Jicamarca Radio Observatory, in Peru, between 2001 and 2012. His research has focused on radar studies of the equatorial neutral atmosphere and ionosphere. He is interested in the development of radar techniques to improve the atmospheric/ionospheric measurements as well as to improve the understanding of the atmospheric/ionospheric physics at low, mid and high. Topics of ongoing research include the development of radar imaging techniques for 2D and 3D applications, radar studies of non-specular meteor trails as well as high latitude E region irregularities, atmospheric/ionospheric coupling studies, and meteor-head echo studies with radars to determine the sources of the sporadic and shower meteor populations as well as other parameters of aeronomical and astronomical importance.

Dr. Juha Vierinen Dr. Juha Vierinen

Juha Vierinen has 10 years of experience with applying probability theory to different scientific measurement problems, starting with equations and often ending with applying the idea in practice. His doctoral thesis is titled: On statistical theory of radar measurements. The thesis explores the application of Bayesian statistics and inverse problems to various radar measurement problems such as: synthetic aperture radar, space debris, meteors, and ionospheric incoherent scatter. Juha Is currently employed by the MIT Haystack Observatory, where he develops signal processing methods for high power large aperture radar remote sensing. In his spare time, Juha develops small low cost geophysical radio remote sensing instruments based on the software defined radio paradigm. Examples of instruments developed by him include: a wide band riometer, a low cost FM radio passive radar, a beacon satellite receiver for ionospheric tomography, and a low power ionosonde.